ShinShin Toitsu Aikido Testing Criteria

Criteria for Promotional Exams

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Children’s Criteria  | 10th Kyu to 6th Kyu

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Children's Ki Aikido Criteria for Examination -- 10th kyu to 6th Kyu

Children’s Ki Aikido Sample Test Performance

Yellow to Blue Belt Kumi Waza | 10th Kyu to 6th Kyu

This video shows the sequence of a typical test for Orange to Blue Belt Arts. Performed by two 8-year olds at Boulder Ki Aikido on April 29, 2015. All techniques in the list below, are described as offensive strike or grab (performed by UKE), followed by defensive movement (performed by NAGE). Arts are listed in the order of performance, as called out by the examiner, Derek Nabel Sensei of RMKS-Westminster, and are as follows:

  • Katatori Ikkyo (irimi) — shoulder grab, 1st technique (entering straight in front of uke) — orange belt technique
  • Katatori Ikkyo (tenkan) — shoulder grab, 1st technique (entering beside leading around) — orange belt technique
  • Katatekosatori Kokyunage — cross-hand grab, rhythm & timing throw — yellow belt technique
  • Shomenuchi Kokyunage — cut to center, rhythm & timing throw — orange belt technique
  • Yokomenuchi Shihonage (tenkan) — diagonal cut, 4-direction throw (leading around) — blue belt technique
  • Ryotetori Tenchinage (irimi) — two-hand grab, heaven & earth throw (entering straight in) — blue belt technique
  • Munetsuki Kaitenage — punch, spinning forward-roll throw — blue belt technique
  • Kokyu Dosa — all belts

***For Munetsuki Koteoroshi, see Children’s Taigi #5, below. (Kneeling pin, as demonstrated in video, must be performed by anyone testing 4th kyu or later).

Children’s Taigi #5

  1. Shomenuchi Kokyunage — cut to center, rhythm & timing throw — orange belt technique
  2. Yokomenuchi Shihonage (irimi) –— diagonal cut, 4-direction throw (entering in) — blue belt technique
  3. Munetsuki Koteoroshi — punch, enter in then turn beside and drop wrist — yellow belt technique
  4. Katatori Ikkyo (irimi) — shoulder grab, 1st technique (entering straight in front of uke) — orange belt technique
  5. Kokyu Dosa

Adult Test Criteria  | 5th Kyu to 1st Kyu 

Required Hours Hitori Waza & Taigi Kumi Waza
5th Kyu
Over 30 hours
and 3 months
of training
1. Udemawashi
2. Udefuri
3. Udefuri Choyaku
4. Sayu
5. Sayu Choyaku
6. Ushiro Ukemi: backward roll and to standing
7. Zenpou Kaiten: forward roll
1. Katatekosatori Kokyunage (classic)
2. Katatetori Kokyunage Tenkan
+  Katatetori lkkyo Irimi & Tenkan
+  Kokyudosa (all ranks)
4th Kyu
Over 30 hours
of training after earning 5th Kyu
5th Kyu plus:
8. Ikkyo
9. Zengo
10. Happo
11. Zenshin-Koshin
3. Katatori Ikkyo Irimi & Tenkan (with pin)
4. Munetsuki Koteoroshi (with pin)
5. Yokomenuchi Shihonage Irimi & Tenkan
6. Shomenuchi Kokyunage
+ Katatetori Kokyunage Irimi (sayu)
+ Katatetori Kokyunage Zenpou
3rd Kyu
Over 30 hours
of training after earning 4th Kyu
all of 5th and 4th Kyu plus:
12. Funekogi
13. Nikkyo
14. Sankyo
15. Koteoroshi
+ Tenkan
+ Shikko
7. Katatori Nikyo Irimi & Tenkan (with pin)
8. Katatori Sankyo Irimi & Tenkan (with pin)
9. Katatori Yonkyo Irimi & Tenkan (with pin)
10. Yokomenuchi Zenpo-nage
11. Ryotetori Zenpo-nage
+ Katatekosatori Koteoroshi (with pin)
+ Ryotemochi Kokyunage Irimi
2nd Kyu
Over 50 hours
and 6 months
of training after earning 3rd Kyu and instructor’s approval
all of 5th to 3rd Kyu plus:
16. Kaho Tekubi Kosa
17. Joho Tekubi Kosa
18. Ushirotori
19. Ushirotekubitori Zenshin
20. Ushirotekubitori Koshin
+ Tobikoshi Ukemi: jump roll
1 Taigi from #1-9
12. Ushiro-tekubitori Zenpo-nage
13. Ushiro-Katatetori Kubijime Sankyonage
14. Ryotetori Tenchinage Irimi & Tenkan
15. Ushirotori Kokyunage Zenpo-nage
16. Ryotemochi Kokyunage Enundo
+ Katatetori Kaiten-nage Irimi & Tenkan
+ Ryotetori Zenpo-nage (3 arts)
+ One Person Randori
1st Kyu
Over 50 hours
and 6 months
of training after earning 2nd Kyu and instructor’s approval
Hitori Waza #1-20 =
All of 5th to 2nd Kyu, but better!
2 Taigi from #1-9
17. Zagi Handachi Shomenuchi Kokyunage
18. Zagi Handachi Munetsuki Koteoroshi (with pin)
19. Zagi Handachi Yokomenuchi Zenpo-nage
20. Munetsuki Kokuynage Zenpo-nage
21. Munetsuki Kokyunage Sudori
22. Munetsuki Kokyunage Kaiten-nage
23. Katatetori Ryotemochi Koteoroshi
24. Katatetori Ryotemochi Kokyunage (Hachi-no-Ji)
25. Yokomenuchi Koteoroshi (Enundo)
26. Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Hachi-no-Ji)
27. Shomenuchi Koteoroshi
28. Shomenuchi Ikkyo Irimi & Tenkan (with pin)
29. Ushiro-tekubitori Koteoroshi
30. Ushiro-tekubitori lkkyo
+ Ushiro Ryokatatori Kokyunage (3 Arts)
+ Keri-waza (3 Arts)
+ Two-person Randori

+ = Extra Techniques (MKF requirement)
Note: for every kyu (=belt) test the respective Ki Test is prerequisite.
— see also the Midland Ki Federation page

Kumi Waza | Videos of Ki Aikido Techniques 

Katatekosatori Kokyunage

Katatekosatori (cross-hand grab) Kokyunage (rhythm and timing throw)